101 Ways to Reduce Your Stress

Those who know me know that I advocate ongoing self-care so that stressful situations are easier to manage when they arise. However, sometimes, life happens, and people need ways of reducing and managing when things aren’t going well. The following are all options to consider trying when life gets overwhelming.  If you don’t like these, also try making your own Emergency Stress Reduction list.

  1. Neurofeedback (you knew that would be first!)
  2. Meditation or centering prayer
  3. Grounding (bare feet on sand, soil, or grass)
  4. Establishing a regular prayer/meditation practice
  5. Go for a walk
  6. Seek counseling
  7. Exercise vigorously
  8. Seek spiritual direction
  9. Have coffee with a friend
  10. Walk a labyrinth
  11. Play hooky from work
  12. Go to a movie with a friend
  13. Have a small amount of comfort food
  14. Watch a comedy show
  15. Go to an outdoor concert
  16. Explore the root causes (for example, do you really hate your job, or is it just the commute?)
  17. Make a gratitude list
  18. Pledge to eat six servings of fruit/veggies a day for a week
  19. Let go of one of your commitments
  20. Challenge yourself to try something new
  21. Have a good cry
  22. Go on a retreat
  23. Hire help
  24. Take a 3-day vacation
  25. Get a new job
  26. Buy a plant for your home or garden
  27. Give someone flowers
  28. Attend a worship service
  29. Tell a joke or ask someone to tell you a joke
  30. Attend a worship service far outside your faith tradition
  31. Clean out your junk drawer
  32. Start keeping a dream journal
  33. Organize your tools
  34. Try keeping a diary/regular journal
  35. Donate time to a charity
  36. Buy a coloring book of mandalas and some pencils/markers
  37. Stop wearing shoes that hurt your feet
  38. Read a self-help book
  39. Get a massage
  40. Read the biography of someone who inspires you
  41. Go for acupuncture
  42. Next time you shop for clothing, choose something colorful
  43. Get a physical
  44. Have a picnic, even if it’s only in your basement
  45. See a chiropractor
  46. Spend time in a park
  47. Buy fun eyeglasses or sunglasses
  48. Admit defeat (or declare victory), and move on
  49. Leave the abusive situation NOW
  50. Fast for a day
  51. Stop drinking soda or alcohol
  52. Find or buy a worry stone, and carry it in your pocket
  53. Make or buy prayer beads or a rosary, then use them
  54. Make a meal for someone
  55. Make a healthy dessert and take it to work
  56. Send a greeting card to someone for no reason
  57. Buy yourself flowers once a week for a month
  58. Give time or money to a social justice cause
  59. Consult a financial advisor
  60. Go finish that degree
  61. Go on a spending fast
  62. Fix something broken in your home
  63. Stop the diet
  64. Take that friend’s annoying advice and follow it
  65. Change your dietary habits
  66. Go to a beach, shoreline, or river bank
  67. Adopt a grandparent
  68. Join a gym
  69. Quit the gym
  70. Try a new sport
  71. Check with your pharmacist, especially if you take may meds
  72. Go to a museum
  73. Hire a babysitter or mother’s helper
  74. Spend time with a child
  75. Take a break from the kids
  76. Go for a Reiki or other energy healing session
  77. Take a break from social media
  78. Try a binaural beats app
  79. Give up the newspaper, or conversely, subscribe to home delivery
  80. Stop reading the news
  81. Make a summer reading list
  82. Subscribe to a “not typically your thing” magazine or newsletter
  83. Join a book club
  84. Adopt a pet (but be committed for life if you do this)
  85. Purge your books
  86. Turn off the television
  87. Face the music (to whatever you’re avoiding or procrastinating on)
  88. Sit outside 15 minutes a day for two weeks
  89. Make art
  90. Listen to music every day for two weeks
  91. Visit a botanical garden
  92. Decide to forgive yourself
  93. Go organic
  94. Go on a spontaneous road trip
  95. Do something for the environment
  96. Study or learn about your ancestry
  97. Call/reach out to an old friend
  98. Join a group
  99. Drop a group
  100. Go to sleep
  101. Take a nap

And, #102, call me to find out whether I can be of assistance in reducing your body’s stress reaction.