Introducing BrainShape’s new Brain Spa!

The Brain Spa at BrainShape is meant for those who want to:

  • Experience some of the benefits of neurofeedback without the cost and time commitment.
  • Meditate yet cannot get their brain into the right state.
  • Undo the crummy feeling of a bad day at work or school.
  • Concentrate better.
  • Calm down but are not sure how.
  • Sleep and relax better.

What is the Brain Spa?

BrainShape’s Brain Spa is a self-service room of high-technology, proven equipment to hack your brain, train your brain, relax your brain, and/or move your brain in to desired states, all in under 30 minutes.

It is intended to help people who do not have the time to commit to twice-weekly neurofeedback sessions, who do not have the budget to achieve all the benefits of neurofeedback training, or who want to make changes but just do not feel that neurofeedback is right for them. It is also for people who are in great shape brain-wise, but just want a tweak or need a band-aid session every now and then.

The Spa came about because I have spent a great deal of time, money, and energy sorting through the myriad of wearables and brain technology devices. I decided that the ones I have found and like ought to be shared with the public, and can be done in a way that is convenient and affordable.

Using the Brain Spa is easy, and the equipment is simple and straightforward to use. During your first session, Tamera or a representative of BrainShape will provide you with an orientation to show you how to use the gear and how to determine how much time you need on each device.

And, because the space is limited to one user at a time, you may have privacy, peace, and quiet (or sound! You may choose sound if you prefer).

Other features are intended to help create a spa-like environment. We have oils and sprays you may use to create an aromatherapy atmosphere, as well as prayer bowls, meditation chimes, and tuning forks to create sounds that help enhance your relaxation.

For those seeking focus, a portable brain training system called HEG is set up at a desk to create the proper environment for concentrating or learning a more relaxed focus. Those seeking relaxation have the choice of a comfortable, leather lounge chair or a massage table where they can use a set of goggles called AVE. Keep reading for more information about HEG and AVE.

Education is also good for the brain. The Brain Spa contains a lending library of books on brain-related topics: wellness, mental health and well-being, sleep, nutrition, etc. (These books are for educational purposes only and do not constitute medical or psychological advice from BrainShape.)

What Can it Do for You?

The Brain Spa’s devices are intended to be like a regular spa, but focused on the brain instead of the whole body.

The devices and options available help create focus and calm. Our tools are safe and proven for use by yourself, without a professional practitioner. They are excellent for both regular use and the occasional, “I’ve had a rough day and I need a boost” type of session.

The Brain Spa’s Tools

near-infrared hemoencephalography (HEG)

One of our key devices is called near-infrared hemoencephalography (HEG for short). The HEG device consists of a headset and your choice of six brain games that meet your brain functioning where it is in the moment and works to improve functioning. HEG is a form of biofeedback for the brain that measures slight changes in blood oxygenation levels and rewards the brain for increased oxygenation. This, in turn, creates a cascade of good effects: ability to think and concentrate better, ability to calm oneself, etc. It does so by teaching two states: closed focus and open focus. Focus is just what you’d imagine it to be—the ability to concentrate on a fixed point/subject. Open focus is more of a letting-go state. Open focus helps the trainee to achieve a calm, meditative state.

If used consistently over time, HEG training can result in long-lasting, positive changes. If used less regularly, those changes may also become long-lasting, but it will take longer to achieve the same effect. Ideal usage would be twice a week, but even twice a month is better than no usage at all.

audio-visual entrainment (AVE)

Another device is called audio-visual entrainment (AVE for short). Where HEG and other neurofeedback devices gently teach the brain to reset itself, AVE pushes the brainwaves into different and better states.

The signature AVE device at BrainShape is a newer, digital version of a legacy, analog device called the Personal ROSHI, or pROSHI. The pROSHI is a portable, analog meditation device that uses flashing lights that pulse in an almost-random fashion, using the brain’s standard electrical frequencies. The inventor was a former MOTOWN engineer who wanted to improve his meditative practice, and the result was  one of the earliest and best AVE devices.

  • An early user of the pROSHI once took the device to a monastery in Tibet. The monks were impressed and said that 30 minutes of using the pROSHI took them to a meditative state equivalent to THREE YEARS of consistent meditation practice. That’s the kind of power this device has.
  • A pROSHI user/psychologist in California tried using the device with a dog that a veteran had brought home from the war in Afghanistan. The dog had what is believed to be the canine equivalent of PTSD. It tolerated wearing the pROSHI goggles and calmed significantly as a result.

We of course cannot claim that our newer, digital version of the pROSHI will give you the serenity of a Tibetan monk or the chill of a previously traumatized dog, but we can say that this device feels really good to use. It will serve as a form of meditation hack for you, calm your nervous system, and perhaps even help unwind the effects of a rough day.

This device requires starting out slowly. We will teach you how to determine whether it’s okay to use AVE for the full 30 minutes, or whether it’s best to build your usage slowly.

heart-rate variability (HRV)

Our third key tool is called heart-rate variability, or HRV. The Heart Math Foundation has done extensive research showing that the heart leads the brain when it comes to responding to the world around us. If one is stressed, it happens in the heart before the brain, and training the heart leads to reduced stress in the brain. Training to improve HRV improves something called coherence in the brain, and that, in turn, increases feelings of love, appreciation, and well-being. Ideally, HRV gets trained along with the brain, which is why we are offering it along with brain training in the Brain Spa.

Like our other devices, HRV is computer-based and simple to use. You’ll start to benefit from the very first session.

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Returning User? Schedule Your Next Session.


How long do the effects last?

For HEG, the effects may start out lasting 12-24 hours. Over time, with consistent use, the increased calm and focus may become permanent.

For audio-visual entrainment devices (AVE), the initial effect is also 12-24 hours. For longer effects, it really depends upon the person, their circumstances, and how much they use the tools available. Because such devices drive the brain into desired states rather than teaching, it may take much longer to achieve long-lasting or permanent change. However, practicing relaxation or meditation using tools like AVE devices does lead to skill-building, and those skills can, of course, be long-lasting.

To Tamera’s knowledge, there are no studies that have looked at the long-term benefits of AVE devices.

How often may I use the Spa?

Up to once daily is fine. If you are looking for extended sessions with the AVE device, please contact Tamera before making an appointment to do so. We’ll discuss the appropriateness and possible price discounts for the concentrated usage.

Are there limitations on who may use the Spa?

Anyone over age 18 who is medically appropriate to come may use the spa. Senior citizens may enjoy the spa for brain brightening. Parents who wish for their teenagers to use the spa will be approved on a case-by-case basis.

How much does the Brain Spa cost to use?

The initial appointment includes an orientation that explains how to use the devices safely and is $40. Subsequent sessions are $30 for 30 minutes of use.

What is an advanced user?

Some people may advance to the point that 30 minutes does not feel like enough time to utilize all that the Spa has to offer. If this is you, please contact Tamera, and she can help arrange 45- or even 60- minute sessions.

Is this safe?

In a word, yes! There are no studies that have ever shown that biofeedback or entrainment causes lasting harm. These are gentle tools.

If you over-use the devices, it will be similar to going to a gym and overusing the equipment. An excessive physical workout may lead to feeling sore when climbing the stairs the next day, for example. That muscle soreness isn’t a permanent injury (hopefully no one is working out so hard that they need medical care!). Similarly, if you over-use an HEG device, you may feel extra-tired for a few hours. A good night’s sleep usually fixes that.

I know someone who once fell asleep overnight with her AVE goggles on. The effect was that she walked around blissed out for a couple of days. That person said that feeling so blissed out was NOT a comfortable sensation. However, regular appointments at the Brain Spa are for 30 minutes, and you will receive guidance on how to work up your usage from use a couple of minutes, so you will not experience over-use effects.

Are there contraindications?


If you have serious mental illness or have advice from your health care providers not to try this, please do not use the Brain Spa. If you have questions about whether this is a good idea for you, talk to your doctor first.

If you have a seizure disorder do not use AVE devices.