ADHD and Neurofeedback

When my colleagues speak, I like to listen, even when it’s a topic with which I’m already familiar.  Yesterday, Sebern Fisher, neurofeedback practitioner and author of the book Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma, offered an online talk through the company Sounds True about calming the fear-driven brain.  It’s a great introduction to neurofeedback if you are a Sounds True fan ( and is one unit of something they are offering called the Brain Change Summit.

During her presentation, Fisher shared with viewers a video showing the outcome of neurofeedback training for a boy with a severe form of ADHD.  It was one I hadn’t seen before, which is no surprise, as I don’t spend much time surfing the Web looking for testimonials.  Keep in mind that the boy’s story is an extreme positive response to training, and not everyone undergoes a near-total transformation like his.  Still, I like it well enough to share here, and I hope you’ll take four and a half minutes to watch and learn.  Check it out at: