Alpha Waves and Learning

Researchers from Rohr University Bochum in Germany have explored the impact of neurofeedback on alpha waves and found that learning to regulate alpha waves using neurofeedback training has an impact on learning. Reach more about their work here.

Alpha waves are a middle frequency of human electrical patterns that create a bridge between internal and external awareness (or subconscious and conscious, if you prefer). They are called alpha waves because they were the first electrical pattern in the brain that researchers discovered in the early 1900s. Without alpha waves, it is hard to be self aware and equally hard to relax. And, if peak alpha waves occur at too low of a frequency (ie, below 10 Hz), researchers say that it can create cognitive problems.

Alpha training is a fundamental of neurofeedback and a profound way to take control of your body, but its effects are more powerful when done as part of a whole-brain training plan.