Anger Alchemy, Four-Week Course

David Bedrick is a sensitive soul, exceptionally talented therapist, wise person, and all around nice guy.  In my email inbox today, I received an invitation from him to attend a four-week seminar he is offering in September called Anger Alchemy.

If you are on any kind of a healing journey, I encourage you to take a look at what David has to offer, not only in this particular seminar, but in general.  Here is a link to the Anger Alchemy class:

Each week has a slightly different focus:  shame and repressed anger, inner criticism, angry words, and working with anger in the world. These topics are practically universal, I think.

If you are a client or former client of mine and opt to attend the seminars, please let me know what you think. I cannot participate due to my work schedule, but if I could, I would.

(Please note that I am not financially connected to David Bedrick in any way, nor did he ask me to post this. I simply think his gifts are worth broadcasting.)