ANNOUNCEMENT: Basic Users’ Seminar

I am offering a Basic Users’ Seminar for those looking to build their expertise in using the Brain Trainer system.

We will cover:

  • A review of the Brain Trainer approach to neurofeedback
  • The basics of BioExplorer and how to customize it for your needs
  • Running sessions, including troubleshooting
  • Personalized sessions focused on your questions and concerns

This seminar is for you if you:

  • Have done initial training with Brain Trainer but feel like you want more.
  • Have a basic idea of what you’re doing but continue to feel like you need in-person guidance.
  • Want to boost your confidence that you’re using the system correctly.
  • Have many questions but don’t know whom to ask.

I am limiting this seminar to six students so that each person has plenty of time to ask questions and receive focused training.

DATES:  Saturday, September 7-Sunday, September 8

LOCATION: My office in Oakton, Virginia

COST:  $495 if registered by August 15th, $550 August 16th and later

TO REGISTER:  Email me for details at

If you are not yet at the point where you’ve decided to take classes in how to do neurofeedback, this class is not right for you, but you may contact me to explore beginner options. And, if you’re already a basic user who’s ready to take your skill set to the next level, feel free to contact me for more advanced training options.