Big Changes are Coming!

When spring comes, it generally brings with it new growth, new life, and change.  This year, spring is bringing similar changes to my work.

The first change is stylistic. Years ago, I chose my company name because I thought that I’d eventually branch out from exclusively doing neurofeedback into offering several other modalities. The truth is that I love doing brain training and never did get around to adding to my offerings in any meaningful way. So, I’ve decided to change my name to reflect what I do more clearly. Effective immediately, Lifeworks Consulting, LLC is now Brainshape, LLC. The new name, logo, and all that comes with the change will appear on my website over the next couple of weeks. I’m excited by the work of my graphic designer (Emily at and my web designer (Nancy at, and I hope you like what’s coming, too. 

The second change is a change of location.  To make space for redevelopment of the property where my current office is located, I will be moving in mid-May to a new office just minutes away from my current space. I’ll be sharing the suite with two lovely and experienced psychotherapists whom I’ll introduce in a later post. In the meantime, know that the new space is cheerful, accessible, and has tons of natural light. I also will have additional square footage that empowers me to offer change number three…

In the past, teaching more than one or two people at a time how to do neurofeedback at home has been a logistical challenge due to space constraints in my current office.  As a one-person practice, dealing with renting hotel conference room space, catering, and whatnot was too much of an effort to be worth my time.  Now, though, I’ll have a meeting room that is just the right size for offering seminars on neurofeedback to clinicians and home trainers alike.

Change three, then, is that I will be offering small-group classes on neurofeedback on a much more regular basis (the aim right now is every other month). My students will gain the personalized attention that has always been the hallmark of my work, because I’ll be limiting enrollment each time to seven participants. Of course, one-on-one tutoring is currently and will remain an option, but the small groups will be more budget-friendly.

Check out my website over the next few weeks for further information on my new location, new neurofeedback classes, and new look.  I am excited and hope you will be pleased, too.