Brain Electricity to Charge Your Phone?

I like what I do, and I enjoy talking about the brain’s energy system and how it can be shifted.  People who contact me wanting to know more about neurofeedback tend to be surprised when I tell them that the brain is electro-chemical in nature. It’s fun to watch them realize that our entire body runs on electricity, and that they have the power through brain training to alter how that electricity is functioning in their own brain.

So, it was with great pleasure that I ran across this fun and informative article from Gizmodo  in which the author took the time to calculate the average amount of electricity that a brain produces.  She found that if one were able to take all the brain’s electricity and direct it toward charging an iPhone, it would take 68 hours to charge fully.  Or, if you didn’t want to drain the brain and opted just to divert one percent of the brain’s function, it would take 285 days to charge.

I encourage you to read the article, because it’s an interesting approach to explaining a bit about how our bodies work.  It also includes a short, three-minute video from YouTube that explains how the brain produces electricity, which, if you choose not to read the article (oh, but please do read the article!), you can watch here.

