If you’re reading this blog, I have to imagine that you’re researching neurofeedback while at home, doing your part to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus while simultaneously seeking ideas to help you or a loved one live better. As I see it, you have three options:
The first is to wait until the crisis lifts, when we can start interacting a bit more normally. You are always free to reach out to me to schedule a phone or video consultation so you can plan ahead, but in-person meetings will need to wait awhile. Once we’re given the all clear to meet again, I imagine that there is going to be a combined pent-up need for neurofeedback training along with financial concerns about how to pay for training. Please be aware that, especially in these new times, I will not turn people who want to do neurofeedback training but due to the virus and quarantine are unable to pay my full fee. And, for those who are able to afford training, I am offering $150 off a brain map for any new clients for the first 30 days after I re-open to new trainees.
The second option is to purchase your own equipment and learn to train at home. There is a rather significant learning curve involved in this, but if you’re already at home and have time to get started, this is a good choice, because you don’t have to wait! I can help you choose the right system for your needs, and there are excellent training videos that come with certain packages. I can also provide online instruction to get you started, so you won’t truly be alone.
The third option is to rent a system from me. You still have the learning curve, but you aren’t stuck with gadgets in your house that you don’t want to own forever. I have a limited number of rental systems available, but this is less expensive than purchasing your own gear.
Feel free to email or call with any questions. In the meantime, stay well!