EMFs and Brain Health

The author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, Nicolas Pineault, offers an easy-to-understand and slightly sassy approach to understanding electromagnetic frequencies, dirty electricity, electric fields, and magnetic fields.  For once, writing about EMFs isn’t all about scaring all of us to death with half-baked ideas and conspiracy-theory notions. In his short and helpful book, Pineault provides an extensive list of scientific studies that link EMFs to health conditions, including mental health. He includes expert opinions and, thankfully, simple solutions to help all of us live more safely in the midst of the ever-increasing soup of EMFs that bombard our bodies every day. At under 240 pages, it’s also a pretty fast read for a publication that’s part educational, part reference guide.

I mention it here because he writes extensively on the subject of EMFs and their impact on brain health. In addition, he mentions physicians such as Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt who have seen mental health symptoms, especially autism symptoms, significantly reduce once the family took steps to limit exposure to EMFs.  I also share it here because I once had a conversation with a mold remediation specialist who said that what many people think of as mold-related illness may have a huge EMF component—an idea I thought might bring hope to those who suffer.

As usual, my clients or former clients are welcome to read the copy I have in my office. And, if you’ve already read this or a similar book, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts.