Everyday Wellness

In an online world in which there are so many people trying to get your attention, I am not quite sure how to persuade you that I just stumbled onto something fantastic. But, friends, I want to share with you something I think is fantastic!  There is a health and wellness podcast called Everyday Wellness in which the host brings in smart and trustworthy people to talk about issues that, if we listen, can help us all be healthier.

My adventure into health-related podcasts started with the December 9, 2020 episode called “Bucking the Biggest Medical Lie: How the Foundation for Your Good Health Starts with the Foods You Eat” with Dr. Cate Shanahan.  There were many takeaway tidbits for me, but one I’d like to share is that Dr. Cate says that seed oils consist of 80% of our fat calorie consumption and are an underlying reason why so many of us crave sugar.  If every guest speaker has information like this, you know that listening is going to be worth your time.

I plan to listen to one episode a day until I have worked my way through every speaker who interests me.

And, you may be wondering why I’m sharing something that isn’t directly neuroscience-related. The reality is that we are all starting to understand that our brain (and rest of the body!) health is strongly related to how we fuel ourselves and our other lifestyle habits.  I think that Everyday Wellness is a soft and approachable way to start learning simple steps.

In addition, I have long been aware that my neurofeedback clients get better results when they are either already doing the things they need to be healthy or are taking powerful steps to get healthy as they do brain training with me. I am hopeful that sharing this podcast helps more people to start taking their own powerful steps forward.

My holistically oriented friends have shared with me a rather long list of other health and wellness-oriented podcasts, and as I uncover other gems, I’ll share those, too.  For now, host Cynthia Thurlow and her guests are going to be my companions. I hope they are welcome in your world, too.