Getting Done Quickly: Intensive Training

People often are surprised that brain training takes time.  It is, after all, a shifting of the brain’s energy systems, and just like modifying the body via exercise, results involve sustained effort.  Typically, a full round of 40 sessions of neurofeedback requires about five to six months to complete.  Trainees come twice or even three times a week, then taper off to once a week or even once every other week before finishing altogether.   This approach works for most people’s schedules, and so it is the most common.

Sometimes, though, a person has reasons for wanting to be done sooner than the usual five to six month schedule.  Often, this is out of a sense of urgency or a looming deadline like a move or heading off to school.  Fortunately for those motivated to complete their training quickly, it can be done.

All it takes is a plan, time in your calendar, and a commitment to doing what you want to do to achieve your goals.  From there, the schedule can be customized to meet your timeframe and your needs.  I have worked with clients as often as twice a day, six days a week, to help them meet a deadline.  More common, though, is to train four days a week, which gets a person finished in about 10-12 weeks.

If you’re interested in intensive training, let’s talk.  We can discuss your goals and whether they are feasible and realistic.