How Many Hypnosis Sessions Do I Need?

Usually, one of the first questions I am asked when someone calls to inquire about hypnosis is how many sessions it will take to help them achieve their goals.

People tend to have this idea that hypnosis can—practically miraculously—create changes after just one session. It is true that changes can begin immediately. That is one of the things I love best about hypnosis; one can begin to feel differently or better right after their first session.

However, I believe that long-lasting change almost always requires more than one session. I personally adhere to a methodology called 5-PATH, or Five-Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis. Using this proven system to provide huge changes, I find that most clients need four-to-six sessions to create change and have it stick.

There are times when clients may require more than six sessions, but that is almost always for more complex situations.

Hypnosis sessions are best done sequentially, and closely together. I usually recommend a 5-7 gap between sessions to allow the gains one has made to show up in daily life. It is not usually a good idea to have too much space between sessions. It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but I discourage gaps of two weeks or more.

There are limited times when one session might be enough, but they do not involve making huge changes. I will discuss those special situations in my next post.

If you are thinking of doing hypnosis with me and are committed to making a big change in your life, plan on four-to-six sessions. I offer in-person and online sessions, so even if you’re not in the metro-Washington, DC area, you may work with me.