Is Hypnosis Against My Religion?

The notion that hypnosis might not be in alignment with major religious teachings and could potentially be evil was about as far away from my thinking as could be.

I have been prepared to talk about whether it works, how it works, under what conditions it works, and for whom it works. When I heard the assertion that hypnosis opens the door to evil, it was so far outside my way of thinking that I was shocked when I heard it. It never occurred to me that this might be a legitimate concern for anyone.

Because the context in which I heard the suggestion that hypnosis is demonic was in a Christian setting, I want to take just a moment to note that the word hypnosis does not appear in the Bible at all. Words like trance and vision do appear.  The disciples had visions and had things come to them while in a state of trance (for example, see Acts 10:10, Acts 11:5, and Acts 22:7), and these were positive experiences.

So, let me be clear: hypnosis does not undermine the teachings of any mainstream faith practice.

Hypnosis is simply a way of getting your subconscious to align with your conscious desires. It helps people achieve goals and live more the way they want to live. It’s a personal development and growth tool. That’s it.

It cannot make you do something you don’t want to do. It cannot turn you into something you don’t want to be.  Hypnosis most definitely does NOT make good people more susceptible to evil or immoral influences. 

Anyone who says otherwise likely does not understand how hypnosis works or how many people it has helped. It is, indeed, a benign and beneficial tool.