The Mind and the Brain are not Synonyms

Dan Siegel is quoted in this article from Quartz about the mind in a lovely way, “”I realized if someone asked me to define the shoreline but insisted, is it the water or the sand, I would have to say the shore is both sand and sea,” says Siegel. “You can’t limit our understanding of the coastline to insist it’s one or the other. I started thinking, maybe the mind is like the coastline—some inner and inter process. Mental life for an anthropologist or sociologist is profoundly social. Your thoughts, feelings, memories, attention, what you experience in this subjective world is part of mind.””

I find this fascinating, because it is sometimes very difficult for my clients to realize that they’re training pools of neurons in the brain and are NOT training the mind.

A link to the article is here:  Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body

Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body