Neurofeedback for Weight Loss?

Over the years, I’ve had many people ask me about whether neurofeedback can help with weight loss or smoking cessation, and I’ve always had to tell them that although neurofeedback calms the nervous system and may help with self control, there is no literature to support its application for dieting or quitting smoking.  That has changed with the publication of a small-scale study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  Israeli researchers have found that using an offshoot of neurofeedback called near infra-red hemoencephalography (nIR HEG for short) helped dieters develop greater self control over their food intake, resulting in weight loss.

This was only a pilot study with a few participants, but it is significant because it marks the first time that self regulation of diet was achieved under clinical conditions.

Check out a summary of the study here 

If you’re interested in knowing more about HEG, I use both near infra-red and passive infra-red for brain training.