Online Hypnosis

Once the COVID shutdown happened, many people found ways to take their work online, and hypnosis is no exception to that. Practitioners around the world began seeing clients by phone and by video.

Some of the certification boards were less than happy with this practice.  They felt that hypnosis could only be done well in person. Experience has proven otherwise.

In fact, there are many benefits to you to doing hypnosis online. For example, you don’t have to commute anywhere, so it’s easier to fit into a hectic day. You have increased privacy because no one sees you coming or going from a professional office. You can be in the comfort of your own home.

To be successful, all you need is a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted or overheard, a comfortable space to sit and recline a bit, a camera on or for your computer, and a decent wifi connection.

On my end, I offer you something that many hypnotists cannot. I actually took training to get certification in online sessions, and I took the class from the person who wrote the guidelines for online hypnosis for the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Of course, I also offer sessions in person in my office. It’s confidential. There are plenty of covid precautions such as air filtration systems and frequent sanitization of surfaces. I have a really comfy, cozy recliner. If you want that, it’s yours.

But, if you prefer to try hypnosis from the comfort of your own home, we can make that happen. Give me a call!