Yesterday, I tried something different. A friend who knows a lot about trauma recovery and I had a conversation about reducing stress and hopefully improving resilience as we cope with all the uncertainty
of the COVID-19 pandemic and staying at home. Although a lay person, Shay Seaborne educates medical professionals and serves as an advocate for the trauma-recovery community. Our conversation is meant to be beneficial, calming, and hopeful, but it is not meant to be a slick guide to anything, nor is it preventative, diagnostic or curative. Grab a mug of your favorite warm beverage and snuggle in for about 40 minutes of shared time together. We hope you’ll enjoy it!
Oh, and please do email me if you have feedback. If there is enough interest, Shay is willing to come back and do a more structured presentation on interpersonal neurobiology.
Gateway of the Inner Body meditation audio by Eckhart Tolle
This recording is one of many tools you can use to help you become more familiar with your felt sense, the sense of the inner body, a vital connection.
Hand Washing Without Stress video with Imogen Ragone
“Take the tedium and the anxiety out of washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with this practice. Each time you wash you hands you can not only be getting rid of those pesky germs, but also letting go of excess tension and stress so you feel more at ease in yourself!”
Healthy Mind Platter from Dr. Dan Siegel
Dr. Siegel’s website details the seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being: Focus Time, Play Time, Connecting Time, Physical Time, Time In, Down Time, Sleep Time.
Flower/Candle breath exercise: Break the Cycle of Distress with Self-Regulation by Shay Seaborne
Self-regulation is a key ability for all people, one often disrupted by trauma, especially in those with earliest onset. These simple practices can help an anxious person down-regulate to a more positive and prosocial activation level. They are most beneficial when practiced in advance of anxiety so they are familiar as a go-to for relief.
Shay Seaborne’s website
Recently revamped for trauma awareness activism, Shay has begun to offer tips and insights on how to minimize the impact of pandemic stress so we can come out in the best possible condition.