Putting Symptoms and Wellness in Context

Usually, I share scientific articles in this blog, but today, I want to share a blog post from someone whose work I greatly admire. David Bedrick is an agent of change with great compassion. His work in process-oriented psychology, as I have heard from one of his clients, goes deep and finds the multiple sources of an individual’s suffering. I particularly admire his work with shame and trauma.

In this Psychology Today article from a few years ago, he writes about the ways in which no individual’s symptoms are exclusively the result of individual choices.  Take a look here and you’ll see what I mean.

Most of my clients who need psychotherapy have usually already found a therapist before they find me.  For those who have not and are looking for depth work, David or his partner Lisa may be a good fit.  Find out more at davidbedrick.com.

(In this era of paid promotions, I feel compelled to note that this is not a paid endorsement and that David had no idea that I was inspired by seeing his article to share.)