The Brain is NOT a Computer

It should not be controversial to say that the brain is not a machine. However, when I try to explain to potential clients that neurofeedback is the process of working with the complex energy systems in the brain, they often get lost. In part, this is because many neurofeedback practitioners use a mechanistic rather than holistic approach to training: if I attach an electrode to point A, outcome Z will occur. This is, of course, a gross over-simplification of a very complex organ.

The confusion also largely stems from the fact that many well-meaning and well-educated people also subscribe to the brain-as-computer analogy. It’s just not so, even if someone with a PhD has based research on it.

A few days ago, I ran across an article from Aeon on this very subject. It is intended for the layperson and not the neuroscience community, so it’s clear and engaging even without a significant background in brain science. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read, learn, and enjoy.