We’ve Moved!

Big News!  Not only did I recently change my business name to BrainShape, LLC, this past weekend, I moved the company to Oakton.

The new space is large and cheerful, with so much natural light that lamps aren’t necessary during the day.  It’s an amazing feeling for a professional space to be so light-filled.  Plus, I have additional square footage that allows me to teach neurofeedback classes without having to rent conference space.

Pictures speak louder than words, so here are a few photos to give you a sense of things.

These two photos are of my training room. The light is so bright that it looks a little shadowy in the images, but it’s really comfortable, and a couple of my clients have described it as homey.

The next two photos are of my classroom.  Even with my poor photography skills, you can tell that the space is sunny. Once the blinds are pulled, it’s possible to get down to the business of biofeedback without the distraction of the trees in the parking lot.

We’ll be tweaking the rest of the space over the next few months, with additional artwork in the waiting area and the vestibule.

In the meantime, the move has left me with a couple of openings.  So, if you’ve been considering getting started with neurofeedback, now is a great time, because I don’t have a waiting list at the moment.  If you’re considering learning how to do neurofeedback, stay tuned, as I’ll have a schedule for the rest of 2019 available soon.

Also, I am now sharing the office suite with two highly skilled psychotherapists, Rosanne Shepler and Bobbi Cordingley.  If you’ve been considering therapy, consider them.  Their website is www.counselingservicesofvienna.com.

Sometime later in the summer, I’ll have an open house to show off our space. In the meantime, if you want to have a peek, or if you want a consultation about whether neurofeedback is the next right step for you, give me a call at 703.728.6087.