What Does it Take to Do Distance Hypnosis?

Distance hypnosis was almost unheard of prior to the COVID pandemic and was definitely not part of ethical practice. However, practical considerations of meeting peoples’ needs overcame the presumption of hypnosis professionals that distance hypnosis does not work.

We have learned that distance hypnosis does work when conducted via video session, and it works just as well, if not even a little better, than in-person hypnosis sessions.

That said, certain things must be in place for distance hypnosis to be effective.

  • First, you need privacy. It isn’t going to work if other people keep coming in to the room where you plan to do hypnosis. It isn’t going to work if you feel like you might be overheard by others in your home or office.
  • Second, any pets need to be accommodated. Having a cat climb all over you or a dog pawing at your door does not make for a peaceful session.
  • Third, you need a comfortable place to relax. Some prefer to lie in a bed or on a sofa, while others like recliners, armchairs with footstools, or even just a wing chair.
  • Fourth, you need a computer with a camera and a way to position it so I can see you during our online session. I cannot do hypnosis without being able to see your body language, muscle tone, and movements.
  • Fifth, you need to put your phone on silence. It is disruptive to have ringing and notification buzzing happening during your session. However, it is important to keep your phone nearby in case there is disruption of our video connection.

Local clients have the option of in-person or distance sessions. Many have found that they like a hybrid of the two—coming to my office for a first session just to meet me and have the experience of working together in person, then conducting the remainder of the sessions online.

Non-local clients obviously just do distance sessions, and many have found that these are remarkably powerful. In fact, although I enjoy working in person, I have come to believe that online sessions are sometimes even more powerful than those conducted in my office. I am not sure why this is, but I suspect that it may have something to do with people relaxing in to their own environment.

I have worked with people locally, nationally, and internationally, so don’t let the fact that you do not live in the Washington, DC metro area be an impediment. And, if you’re local but dislike the traffic, that doesn’t have to be an issue, either. Just give me a call, text, or email so we can discuss whether I am the right person to meet your needs and wishes for hypnotic transformation.