What is Brain Training?

All about Brain Training or NeurofeedbackPeople often ask, what is “Brain Training”?  Is it like calisthenics for my mind?

So, what is brain training?

Well, brain training, also known as neurofeedback, is a tool that, over time, creates new patterns in our brains and helps reshape old, negative habits that can unintentionally undermine us or hurt others.  It is the signature service that we at Lifeworks offer in our Vienna, Va. office.

What is a session like?

Each brain training session is administered by a professional who uses portable EEG devices and sensors called electrodes to measure faint electrical brain wave signals in the trainee’s skull. These signals are forwarded to a computer, where sophisticated software analyzes the data and rewards the brain (often in the form of a tone heard via earphones) when it produces the desired changes to the electrical patterns. Researchers believe that the brain responds to these rewards by creating new electrical patterns, similar to learning skills such as riding a bike or reading in a foreign language. Slowly, over time, trainees can teach their brains through brain training new — and lasting — positive habits and self-regulation. The training, typically 40-60 sessions of 45-90 minutes for optimum results, is painless, safe, gentle, and done in private.

Watch a video about brain training

To watch a video demonstration of brain training, click here.

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