Forbes recently published an article entitled “3 Stress Management Tips for High Achievers.” It recommends that businesses offer in-house, short-duration sessions to its workers, including reflexology, Access Bars, and yoga. You may find the article here.
Reflexology and yoga are not services I provide, but I DO offer Access Bars, and I receive it myself for stress management. (My massage therapist officemate offers reflexology, so contact me if you’d like to be put in touch with her for a session).
I agree with the Forbes article that Access Bars is a great way to achieve immediate relaxation and stress relief. My office is conveniently located at the intersection of 123 and Hunter Mill in Oakton, just minutes from the Tysons area and Reston, and I offer evening hours, so it’s possible to come in after work for a session.
Access Bars is a technique that involves touching 32 points on the scalp and usually results in relaxation that can last from hours to weeks. I realize that most people have not heard of Access Bars before. It’s not acupressure, Reiki, or massage. It is its own thing. Access Bars happens while reclined, fully clothed, on a massage table. It can be done on all ages–I’ve worked with people as young as age eight–though I think teens and adults probably do best with Bars.
Sessions in my office generally run 60 minutes. I am willing to do 90-minute sessions upon request.
If you’re curious and would like to give it a try, you may sign up for a session on my calendar, here.