Neurofeedback and ADHD

Dutch researcher and neurofeedback practitioner Dr. Martijn Arns is well-respected internationally for his work on creating more methodologically sound examinations of the efficacy of neurofeedback. As long ago as 2009, he published an analysis indicating that neurofeedback benefits those who have focus and attention problems. He and his co-authors wrote: “we conclude that neurofeedback treatment for ADHD can be considered “Efficacious and Specific” (Level 5) with a large ES for inattention and impulsivity and a medium ES for hyperactivity.”

Since then, of course, more work has been done to underscore neurofeedback’s benefits—including NIH-funded work—but Dr. Arns’s work continues to stand out. You may access the abstract here, and the entire text of the meta-analysis is available behind a paywall.