Screen Time and Children’s Brains

Screen time and screen addiction is a topic that comes up fairly frequently in my office, with parents either not really knowing where to turn or what to do about their children’s behavior, or not even recognizing that excessive gaming/screen time may be a problem. Although I cannot take the time to create a full bibliography on the literature and the articles/videos out there on the subject, I thought it might be beneficial to share a few useful resources that I believe are informative and helpful.

This article from CBS about an NIH study on the effects of screen time also includes a video clip.

This segment from 60 Minutes in Australia is excellent.  It highlights that the World Health Organization now considers video game addiction a disorder.

The book Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen Time, by Victoria L. Dunkley, MD, has proven to be helpful to parents seeking to reduce their children’s excessive screen time.

I hope this short selection educates you and, if needed, inspires you to dig deeper and make changes.