Who’s the Boss?

People seem to have a lot of misconceptions about hypnosis. I am consistently surprised by the number of people who think that doing hypnosis means that someone else is going to make you do something different. Nothing could be farther from the truth; no hypnotist can entrance someone in such a way that they’d ever do anything that they did not already want to do.

I like to use the grocery store behind my office to illustrate this point. During our initial conversations, I will sometimes explain to people that even if I told them to go rob that grocery store after our session (which of course I would not), there is no way that they’d violate their morals or desires to go do such a thing.

Hypnosis is not like that. It simply does not and cannot work that way.

Even if you get to see a stage show where a hypnotist is getting audience members to do ridiculous things, it’s because the audience member wants to participate in something fun and not because the hypnotist has some kind of special power over people.

You are the boss of yourself!  In theory, you do what you want to do.

Sometimes, though, you do things despite what your conscious mind thinks you want to do. That’s because the true boss for most of the time is the unconscious part of you. Your conscious self may walk around wanting to lose weight, work out more, feel less stress, be more confident, or achieve certain goals. However, our unconscious selves sometimes get crossed wires and drive us to feel and do things that our conscious mind doesn’t really want. That’s because our unconscious self is focused on keeping us alive, and in doing so, it sometimes gets really silly notions.

In the end, most of us don’t want runaway bosses that lead us astray. We want to be better bosses to ourselves. We want to set a goal and be able to achieve it without getting in our own way. We want that subconscious mind that is in charge most of the time to be in alignment with what we consciously desire. That’s where hypnosis shines—it helps us tap into the power of our subconscious mind so that different aspects of ourselves can agree upon and achieve a personal goal. It helps us begin the process of alignment and change rather quickly and efficiently, too.

If you’re interested in finding out how hypnosis might help you begin the process of achieving your goals and being a better boss of yourself, please call or email.